Lebensmensch - 5. Nov, 12:59

12. juli: the emptiness after the worldcup or the euro. you know its the best weather of the year - but its only for this very short time wich makes you crazy. the horror of caducity.
11. juni: wasting your time with the world cup or the euro. when its not on, you are sad about not watching it. another term is over and you still have not finished your diplomarbeit.
10. august: why travel anywhere else than last year? why travel anyway? you stay at home. close the curtains, its too bright to watch tv.
9. mai: its your birthday. but you are too old to enjoy it. and bayern munich is going to lose another champions-league-final.
8. april: 30% of the year is over. the illusion of a better year gets his first tough relapse.
7: märz: it wont do you no harm. it wont do you no good. whats the matter with this stupid month anyway?
6: september: bundesliga begins. summer is over. go back to work. dream of a usefull way of life. you remember the sexual adventures of the summer. everything is going to be alright.
5. oktober: the literatur-nobel-prize gets you trough the whole month.
4. feber: you survived the winter once again. you did well in jänner and will do even better in märz. this is what you believe.
3. jänner: oh my god, the chritmas-holidays were great again. the rest-alcohol is your friend the whole month. the new year offers you every possibility. and this year you will learn how to write in english! you promise!
2. november: winter is coming. buy some tea and watch LOST. enjoy the end of the colourfull autumn.
1. dezember: christmas once again. but you can handle this now. you like to see your family and all your friends again. christmas holidays are great. you love all the jahresrückblicke, you make a death-list, you drink yourself to another level. you hug the world! thank god its dezember again!



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